Lets Dig in

Lets Dig in

A kit car brings a different dynamic to the mix, and it’s a normal progression in our society as well. Kit cars are, dare I say it, the “TikTok” remixes of the car world. Its more substantial though, instead of being washed away into the endless ocean of content, this stays with you, every day you look outside and it’s there.

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Dio Mio, Is this "Gucci"?

Dio Mio, Is this "Gucci"?

On that day you have a really small meal that tastes amazing, for sure, and you wear your evening attire, and it’s an amazing occasion, photos are taken and you head back home, but let’s be honest, nothing beats the taste of a Gap Burger after you’ve had 5 beers and a few shots of rum. It’s greasy, it’s sloppy and it’s brash. All the photos are horrible and that’s the memory you keep with you forever. We all want that greasy gap burger for real. Burger Boys through and through.

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Project Lamb

Project Lamb

Yes, by the way, if you’re asking if it's a kit car you’d be right. No, if you think that just because it's a kit car it loses all validity and purpose of discussion, let’s get that out of the way to start. I think the fact that this is a kit means a lot more than if it was a real Countach, and at the end of this series of articles I am hoping you would feel the same way too.

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Making a K20 Fit

Making a K20 Fit

SDRR was founded in 1999, they specialize in the the repair and made to order assembly of hydraulic and air hoses, metal lines and control cables for agricultural, construction, marine, automotive and industrial applications. When the guys at SDRR, told SF to come down to take a look at their project car, we were naturally super excited

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